No matter what county you live in, if you plan to vote in Pennsylvania in 2020, you will be voting with new machines, chosen by each county’s election officials at the order of Gov. Tom Wolf last year.
To get the commonwealth ready for the changes, the Department of State has launched a webpage called “Ready to Vote” to help Pennsylvanians identify what method their county has chosen and how the process works.
Once a county has been selected, the page directs visitors to a “Learn more” button where voters can read step-by-step instructions on how to cast their vote using the new method.
Also new this year is the option for mail-in ballots, which anyone can use, not just absentee voters such as active duty military personnel and college students.
If you decide to vote in person on election day then know the location of your polling place and what kind of voting system your county has in place.
NOTE: April 13, 2020 is the last day to register before the April 28, 2020 Primary election.