Attendant Assistance Program (PHARE Grant) Details

Please read the following information before applying for assistance via the PHARE Grant.

This is a program put into effect for our dedicated caregivers here at Voices for Independence. For those eligible, financial assistance is available for rent/mortgage, utilities, pest control, and transportation costs (vehicle repairs, Uber gift cards, bus passes, etc).

Complete the entire application (BLUE BUTTON AT BOTTOM OF PAGE). If you would prefer to print out your application, please see the links underneath the blue button at the bottom of the page. Please keep in mind that incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.

This grant is being offered to assist low-income families who have recently experienced hardship. Funding is not limited to one bill or rent. Submit ALL rent or utilities that you are currently behind on and/or have shut off notices for, and be sure to include a copy of the entire page of your utility bill when doing so.

You must submit proof of income for ALL adults, age 18 yrs or older, in the household. The total household income must not exceed $59,396 annually. You will need to provide the last 4 paystubs for all jobs you may have, including VFI. W-2s, final 2023 paystubs, and social security award letter are acceptable forms of proof of income. We are required to collect this information for reporting purposes and to ensure income guidelines are met.

You must submit a complete (FRONT AND BACK) copy of your current lease agreement. If you are behind on your rent, you must also provide any letters from your landlord showing how much you owe. You must also provide copies (FRONT AND BACK) of all utility bills and/or shut off notices for which you are applying. This information is required so that we have remittance information.

If requesting vehicle repairs, you must submit a complete copy of your registration to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle in need. Once your application is reviewed and approved, VFI will begin the process of connecting you with a reputable auto repair shop, who has partnered with us to provide assistance through the PHARE Grant.

We would like to know what happened that got you behind. This grant is to help attendants that are in a tough spot. We need your story. We are required to report who this grant is helping, not names, but for example: single income household, COVID, special circumstance.

Completed applications will be processed as they are received.  Once a determination has been made, you will be contacted about the award details, i.e. amount, specific bills to be paid, etc.

If you have any questions about this application or the grant, please reach out to either Angelica Mazur or Julianne Carter at (814) 874-0064.

If you would prefer to print/complete your application by hand, click HERE for a printable PDF version of the 2024 PHARE Grant application.

If you are completing a printed application, and request assistance with rent, click HERE for a printable PDF version of a W-9, which must be completed by your landlord.